Caius Theory

Now with even more cowbell…

Installing Ubuntu on an iMac G3

I decided to install ubuntu onto my iMac G3450Mhz G3, 768mb ram, 20GB Hard Drive to play around with. Only problem was it would boot so far, then just stop at a black screen. In googling the fix, the blog post that contains the fix is slightly outdated and 100% 404.

Here is the fix, updated for Ubuntu 6.10 Desktop PPC:

  1. When the screen goes black, drop to the console

     Control - Option - F2

    (if you need to log in use the name ubuntu to log in.)

     $ sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
  2. Change the frequencies in monitor section as follows:

     Section “Monitor”
         Identifier “Generic Monitor”
         Option “DPMS”
         HorizSync 60-60
         VertRefresh 43-117
  3. After the changes then type control-o, return (to accept the filename), then control-x (save and exit nano)

  4. Restart X by running the following:

     sudo killall gdm && sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start